Modern Infrasturacture Products

Glass fiber reinforced polyester made Modern Urban Infrastructure Products
TONGÜN, presents modern city products, according to requests, by using own SMC and BMC raw material in a large variety in its facilities.
The product range is:
-Composite (SMC) standard type manhole covers,
- Composite (SMC) loopholes,
- Composite (SMC) tree bottoms,
- Composite (SMC) outdoor type benches,
- Composite (SMC) boundry elements,
- Composite (SMC) crosswalk plates,
- Composite (SMC) speed breakers,
- Composite (SMC) drain covers,
In addition, special producing demands by customers are provided with optimum solutions.
The products who are mentioned above;
-Composite (SMC) Manhole Covers:
Glass fibre reinforced polyester composite manhole are components of Turkey and developing world . They replaces traditional materials such as concrete.
These products have become the most important part of the infrastructure systems with ease of application and maintenance-free structure.
General classifications of manhole covers are below:
A-15 – 1,5 tone load resistance – Intended for surfaces, gren and other areas used by two-wheel vehicles and pedestrians
B-125 – 12,5 tone load resistance – Especially for surfaces or sidewalks comparable to parking grounds for tourist vehicles
C-250 – 25 tone load resistance – Intended for parking lots and sides of roads for heavy vehicles, side grooves, sidewalks and pedestrian zones on streets.
D-400 – 40 tone load resistance – For pedestrian streets, lanes, streets and roads (except side grooves)
E-600 – 60 tone load resistance – Also for special use in factories, dock areas and airports etc.
F-900 – 90 tone load resistance – Also for special use in factories, dock areas and airports etc.
The classifictions above comply with the standards EN 124 for Europe and they are also accredited by TSE in Turkey.
Most common classes are C-250 and D-400 both in Turkey and in the world.
TONGÜN, produces composite (SMC) manhole covers in naturel color which is white or cream. According to consumer request, it is also possible to produce in other colors, with special embossments and logos. This product has 4 aspiration holes, one gasket, one locking mechanism (2 mechanisms with hingeless type) and it can be produced with a joint or without a joint.
In addition, in need of both change of the metal / concrete and asphalt circle and raising manhole cover, the cover can be re-positioned with elevation apparatus.
- Composite (SMC) loopholes:
Commonly used for roadsides and expulsion systems loopholes are also produced in accordance with EN 124 classification.
Products in composite (SMC) loophole systems gives an esthetic appearance with square and rectangular shapes. Depending on the product, they are with a locking system.
Loopholes can be produced in colors and sizes requested and with a logo/writing.
- Composite (SMC) tree bottoms:
These products stand out with their structure who aesthetically protects the environment and prevents erosion rather than harming it.
Composite (SMC) produced for both saplings and trees various measurements. Different sizes of tree bottoms transfer the environment to next generations.
Composite (SMC) tree bottoms which can be produced in various colors and sizes, serves to a more decent, contemporary and systematic environment.
-Composite (SMC) outdoor type benches:
Instead of traditional produced outdoor type benches (wood, metal, plastic), composite (SMC) benches are prefered in a short time. The reasons are that they do not have paint and maintenance expense; besides they are environment friendly.
TONGÜN, has been using own composite raw materials to produce benches special to country conditions and taking notice of consumer needs.
Composite (SMC) benches in colors and properties requested have been used in the world as it is in Turkey.
- Composite (SMC) boundry elements:
Composite (SMC) boundry elements have taken their places in sector owing to a more durable structure than plastic. Furthermore, it harms vehicles less than metal.
Glass fibre reinforced polyester (SMC) boundry elements can be produced in any color, shape and sizes according to customer request.
- Composite (SMC) crosswalk plates:
Composite crosswalk plates are needed at the present because unfortunately paints on crosswalk plates which drivers do not pay enough attention to, are nonpersistent and they are regularly in need of maintenance. The composite crosswalk plates are patent article and developed by TÜBİTAK.
Less public expenditures and a long-lived, maintenance free product are targeted with composite (SMC) crosswalk plates who are totally created by Turkish engineers from the design to production. The usage areas are traffic, especially at school, hospital, airport and military areas. Besides a more esthetic appearanceis reached with this product.
- Basic facilities of composite (SMC) crosswalk plates are;
-Ease of application,
-Warning drivers even from long distance,
-Coming to attention also at night owing to reflectivity feature
-Providing cost advantage in long term with no paint nor maintenance expense
- The advantage of making changes in the implementation and having various sizes with its modular structure
-Creating a more esthetic appearance.
- Composite (SMC) speed breakers:
Composite (SMC) speed breakers produced by TONGÜN is developed with the knowledge and experience of composite crosswalk plates. In addition to the information above this product warns drivers with its escalated structure.
In consequence of having glass fibre reinforce and being pressure resistant especially when it comes to heavy goods- vehicles helps to be more careful in traffic and avoid greatly loss of property and lives.
- Composite (SMC) drain covers:
Composite (SMC) drain covers are prefered due to its advantage of being light, resistant against chemicals and easy for appliancations in areas of watering, sewage and purifying.
TONGÜN, can produce drain covers made of glass fibre reinforced polyester (SMC), engraved or embossed text. Logo also can be applied.
The composite drain covers comes with two handles.
- Composite (SMC) standard type manhole covers:
Glass fibre reinforced polyester composite (GRP) manhole covers are used in areas of watering.
Composite manhole covers annihilate harms in systems caused by rotting and rusting of metal in time. They are long-lasting due to resistance to weather conditions, lightness and durability.
The appropriate field of composite materials and development of the group's best-known glass-fiber reinforced polyester raw materials, some of which are forms of production SMC (Sheet Moulding Compound - Ready Moulding fruit pulp) and BMC (Bulk Moulding Compound - Bulk Molding Pulp) forms produced using the many advantages of modern urban infrastructure products and separated from other traditional materials. These properties;
-Immune to weather conditions,
-Minimum maintenance requirement,
-Ease of application,
-Total cost advantage,
Immune to-chemicals and so on.
Form is likely to count.
Product Catalog